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[pyrnet] chat: they always come back


Good Morning,
I have something I want to share with You this Morning~~~Everyone of My dogs has "come back to visit" after they have left Me~~
When Logan made His appearnace here, He was already crate-trained & house broken, which pleased Me to no end~~
Every night, at bedtime, All dogs get their "bedtime cookie", their favorite play toy, and go to sleep in their crates~~
I never hear a "peep" from any of them until the next morning~~
Last night, Logan was  a "wild child"~~clawing at the crate, howling, barking, whinning~ect....
I was in the room across from them, getting ready for bed~~I spoke, fussed, nothing worked~~
Over near where Logan was going ballistic , I hear something in an undertone, it started building in volume from a very low growl to a "full out" snarl~~Then comes the insane barking & screaming~~
No, it wasn't Logan~~It sounded familiar tho~~At the height of the "ruckus",Logan  lay down in His crate, put His head down, and I never head anything else from Him~~He's fine this AM, I just checked~~
Was "Susie Girl" here last night ?  Did She come back to help Me out?  She was always the one that chastized the puppys around here~~She was the one that always put them in their place~~

( insert theme from the "twilight zone" here )

Pam Croy

"We need not Think alike to Love alike"