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Re: [pyrnet] Feeding a picky pup


My Pyr (Patrick) chewed EVERYTHING as well. (we didn't let him into the living
room). He ate shoes, clothing, towels, his leash, dog bones, the kitchen table
and chairs (no, seriously), plastic cups etc... And he swallowed most of it.

Which explains why he didn't eat much of his food for quite some time.

He's 17 months old now. (quite small/light though) 80 lbs maybe?

He also has a habit of eating the beds that I put in his crate. He ate 3 in a
period of 8 months (with at least a month in between without any bed each time).
The last time, he went for 3 months w/out a bed. (we just put a new one in there
2 weeks ago, and it's still alive <knocks on wood>). 

Problem is, 

He's much better now, but we went through it all, and at EXTREMES.

He is persistant. Took at least 3 times more work and time to train him to "go"
outside than any of my other dogs. He chewed stuff much longer as well...

And the seperation anxiety!!! Unbeleivable. He went completely insane. He knew
we were upstairs, and even though we would NOT go down to him, he howled,
screamed and barked until he was almost a year old. That has gotten much
better... He still doesn't like being left alone (who does?), and he'll still
chew from time to time, but all in all, it's like we have a completely different

I was going to get him a friend (another pyr), but I may now wait until he's a
little older before I bring another Pyr into the house. :)

> Julie, I love the SS Skinny Butt~ We ALMOST named our girl "Great Muddy Paw", 
> but the grandchildren wouldn't hear of it.  Has anyone else noticed that, just 
> when you are expecting company or planning a trip to PetSmart...your Pyr decides 
> it's time for a mud bath?????
> It's more the aspect of proper-healthy growth that concerned me, rather than her 
> overall size. I was afraid she wasn't getting the proper nutrition (worry wart 
> mom), even though the vet reassured me that she's healthy (no worms, etc..) 
> although not growing quite up to "scale", so to speak.  
> As for loving her, we all adore her & well she knows it!  Although, I must admit 
> that my hubby was rather unhappy when she chewed up the loveseat (I think the 
> cushions were probably the most fun, she could toss them around while destroying 
> them)!  We're going through the destructive chewing, seperation anxiety 
> (although she goes to work with me daily).  Oh, and the seatbelt in the back > seat must have tasted great!  No wonder she won't eat, she's too busy chewing up 
> things she shouldn't!  Don't worry, she only chews, never swallows.  Just 
> tearing things up & pulling out the stuffing is her idea of great fun.  Hum, 
> perhaps a throwback to her ancestors who had to tear up predators to protect the 
> sheep?  She just HAD to "kill" that pillow/loveseat/seatbelt/stuffed animal to 
> protcet her "herd"!  {grin}...Well, she'll only be a puppy for another 13 months 
> or so...
> Like the "naughty" child with the melting eyes, it's a chore for mom to maintain 
> a strict manner while discipling her for her latest "kill" (today it was the bed 
> in her crate).  That'll teach ME to "cage" her up!  Despite the bumps we've hit 
> with the food issues, hot spots & chewing up this and that, there has not been a 
> minute we've not been happy to have her in our family!  
> Cat & Angel
>  JKW9298@aol.com wrote:Sounds like you are doing a great job of taking care of 
> your Pyr. 
> Cat
> Visit my sites @ The Manley & Sockol Families History and Genealogy and
> Cat's Lair, Home of Unicorns, Faeries & Dragons.