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[pyrnet] chat:Pet Fair~~an unusal happening

Hi all,
Our Club participated in a Pet Fair this past weekend~~Had a great time~~lots of adults & children~~other animals~~contests for "look alikes"  ect....Information boothes~~magician~~
~~~~~~~just wanted to share something that I've never seen before~~
A Wolf/coyote cross !!  ( the words, "butt Ugly come to mind here ! ) :)
I didn't think that this would be possible, I had always thought that a wolf would kill a coyote when the opportunity presented itself, but, I guess "nature ruled" when an animal wants to breed~~~
Another happening that I wanted to share::::
I've expounded the theory before about Our PYRS and the re-action that We've always gotten from them when a large/black dog approaches them~~
( the only real/knock-down/intention to kill ,  fights that We've ever had  at our club meetings is when someone brings a large/black dog)  I was told many years ago that PYRS and large/black dogs just do not mix well~~~
A Lady walked up to  our boothe with a Rottweiler mix~~very well behaved~~He lay down right beside AN"D"~~An"D" is very "laid back", but, this time He was very "antsy" and nervous~~
Then, The lady ( and the dog), walked over to Dusty,( who was on a  leash, held by Our club President, who is a very big man !) Dusty had been around other dogs, around adults & children, all day~~He  was having a ball~~
There was a "big roar"~~it took all that the President could do  to stop Dusty in mid air as He lunged for that dog !
Guess I'm gonna' have to stick with My theory about PYRS & big/black dogs that bring up old buried memories of the predators that they are supposed to fight/kill/ protect the flock from !!!
Pamc  :)