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Re: [pyrnet] Re: pyrnet-l-digest.20030425

When I was researching the Pyr (before Angel joined the family), I read all about the blizzards of white hair....I thought, "That's great, we have white tile floors.  The hair will blend in and won't look so bad if I don't sweep for a day!". 
Well, we live in S. FL...it's been raining off and on the past few months (which we need desperately).  I think I mentioned once before that I may have misnamed our girl..."Great Muddy Paw" is more like it!  She thinks mudslides are fun to create, even more fun when they are in the house.  About that white tile floor......Oh well, I just follow her with 2 towels, one damp and one dry and wipe up the prints until I get to the "source", then wipe off the paws. 
I was so happy when she decided she liked to lie on the screened in porch, gnaw on her favorite toys and watch the world go by while mom is cleaning house.  Then, she figured out how to open the screened door!  I guess it's a trait of the breed (?), to nudge (hard) with their nose, sort of "nose butt" you.  She realized she could open the handle on the screen door that way.  I'm glad the yard is securley fenced and that we have no dogs on either side of us.
It's a new discovery every day with her..she never ceases to amaze me with how smart she is.
Cat & Angel
Pyralive@aol.com wrote:
In a message dated 4/26/2003 12:01:01 AM Eastern Daylight Time, owner-pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org writes:

So are we!  After a busy Easter weekend, mowing, planting scrubs and
spreading pine mulch, I am now getting back to the normal work of classes.
And then today it's raining -- AGAIN!  Just hope it's not going to rain all
weekend.  It's a pain with 5 wet dogs.

Ziffany Pyrs &TMs

Oh Yeah !
We moved in Dec 2002~~the people that We bought the house from had let  2 of the 2 1/2 acres go back to Nature~~We have "bush hogged ", pulled vines ect. We had tree cutters in last week, had them leave the wood and the chips from the smaller trees to use on Our driveway and the paths that we have
"sculptered out "~~
At My age, I've been shoveling mulch & hauling wood~~there's not a spot on My body that isn't sore~~ yesterday afternoon~ it rained , and then it rained some more just for something to do ~~
My floors look like the "wrath of God"~~Next week, We've got a gentleman coming in to knock a hole in the "doggie room wall so that  the dogs have free access to the outside ( small fenced in area)~~There's lite beige carpeting in that room~~or it was lite beige~~( the carpet is going to "carpet heaven" )~~~

Everybody, here's a tip~~buy stock in Tylenol & Excederin~~~~
Pam c    & nbsp; <sigh>