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Re: [pyrnet] Neurological tests on injured Pyr

In a message dated 11/16/2003 9:13:44 PM Eastern Standard Time, Oliverslb@aol.com writes:

She is such a sweet, sweet girl and the vet described her as very stoic.  She (the vet) was testing her for neurological damage and has been unable to get a response, even on the uninjured legs.

Typical.  Keep her hydrated and get in nutrition either IV or hopefully eating soon.  Pyrs have incredible pain tolerance, one of the things that make them such superb guardians.  I have had even puppies behave almost the same (stoic and unresponsive to convential muscle spindle reflex tests) without any evidence of this massive amount of damage. 

Stabilize her, get her patched up and the rest will probably take care of itself.  If there was intercranial pressure/hemoraging the vets would and could have spotted this in the eyes, etc.  No skull fractures or large hematoma(s)? 

It will probably be weeks and possibly months before anyone will be real sure, but the behavior does not surprise me especially the stoic and not eating. 
