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[pyrnet] Food issues

Hi All,
    I know this is a little late,but I haven't been on the internet much lately. This is also my first post to pyrnet.I have 2 stories about feeding.10 years ago I had Kuvasz dogs, and fed a brand called Eagle-Pack dog food and loved it.For the last 5 years I have been with out a furry friend of my own---until this past August when I bought a 21/2 year old Pyr.Just before she was delivered to me,my Pyr ,Honey had  weaned a large litter of pups. Her previous owner told me she was down in weight,but couldn't get her to eat any of the better quality dog foods. The only thing she could get her to eat well was regular Purina puppy chow covered with goat milk.She really wouldn't eat for me either, and she was very thin (26" and 64# when I took her to my vet for her initial exam and fecal check.).I decided I was going to locate a retailer for Eagle Pack and try with her, what my Kuvasz had done so well on.I mentioned this to one of my co-workers.She related to me that she too had used Eagle -Pack when she lived in Alaska. She had a Rottie who had a ton of allergy symptoms. The vet tested  for many things and  had given a multitude of allergy shots.When the dogs corneas lacerated ,Linda tried switching dog foods.Eagle-Pack did the trick. Within a month all the dogs symptoms disappeared and stayed gone.This strengthened my resolve to try this brand again. I mentiioned Linda's story to my husband whose Springer Spaniel has had "problems"(itching,horrid skin odor,ear problems,chronically impacted anal glands etc.) for 18 monthes. We were going broke with trips to his vet every 2 weeks. He decided he would try her on Eagle-Pack.With in 3-4 days her incessent itching had slowed way down and within a month all symptoms were gone. Now, back to my skinny Pyr. Eagle-Pack has a wonderful selection of foods free of corn, wheat and soy. Many if not all of their selections are made with human grade ingredients, and they now offer a holistic line utilizing organically grown ingredients and using protein sources which include the more commonly used beef, lamb, and chicken as well as pork ,Salmon, anchovy and sardines (and a new entry will utilize Duck! ) for dogs who have developed sensitivities to the usual animal proteins. I chose Eagle Packs second most concentrated food. I wanted Honey to get as many calories and nutrients as possible in a small amount,because that was all she would eat. She did O.K. with it, but still was not eating enough so I decided to try another "flavor". I bought the food that Eagle produces for "mushers". It is 28% fat,  30 % protein and contains 50% meat meal. I also bought a bag of the salmon. sardine, anchovy stuff.  Honey really seems to enjoy both of these. I have not taken her back to the vet yet to check her weight , but she is fleshing out nicely now, and eating the way a dog her size needs to. I'll keep her on the power food till her weight is where it should be, then I'll switch her to some thing a little lower in protein, or mix the various Eagle products to meet her individual needs. Eagle also offers on line comminucation with their Giant Breeds nutritional consultant. Needless to say, 10 years ago I was impressed, and I am more so now,in light of their expanded offerings. I'd recommend this food for any one experiencing feeding problems.
Deb Hilliard