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Re: [pyrnet] Worried mom

Hi. Nina congratulations on getting your rescue puppy, I see he is 16 weeks, how long have you actually had him? My thoughts with regard to the potty training would be literally to start from scratch as if you have just brought home an 8 weeks pup, it does sound as if you have tried just about everything but are you using a crate to confine him when you aren't able to watch him, because that is what you would do with an 8 week old, take him out every hour when possible, on leash and give lots of encouragement by using a "word", I personally say let's go "pee", when he does,  give immediate praise and maybe even a treat. Usually these problems do not last forever so giving a treat for a performance doesn't have to be a life long thing!
Our Pyr puppy Toby was not at all nippy nor did he bite us once, he came into a household of 3 older dogs and as he grew he  became the "king", he was fairly passive with the older dogs until he and our male Golden had a disagreement over a treat and Toby was a bit tough on him from then on, shame because the Golden was not at all dominant but just being another male didn't help the situation, I think that Pyrs have a different mindset.  Toby is 10 years old this year and our 3 other dogs are long gone, but a year ago we brought into the home a Golden pup, Hannah, I wanted to be absolutely sure that Toby would not be overly dominant with her so we took bringing them together very, very slowly, more at Toby's pace than the puppy because she was very keen from the beginning. They are now great together and have lots of fun, Hannah is very good at knowing how to play with him, it is quite uncanny, but he always ends the game by mounting her which she accepts without a word, so it works well for these two.
 Our situation is reverse to yours, in that our older dog is the male and the more dominant breed whereas yours being a female lab would probably be more passive. It is a pity that Harley doesn't reprimand Dilbert when he gets too rambunctious, it would do so much more coming from the older dog, but not to the point where war breaks out. So Dilbert needs for you guys to step in when it gets too much for Harley, Dilbert has to learn some manners, if necessary keep him on leash during some of these high energy times, I know it can be difficult with such a large puppy but now is the time for him to learn some boundaries. I also carry a "shake can" with me when outside with the dogs playing, Toby hates the sound and I know it would distract him if he was getting too "heavy" with her, maybe Dilbert might be stopped in his tracks when needed. Sorry this is rather long but I wish you luck.
Jo, Toby and Hannah(Golden)
----- Original Message -----
From: nina kelly
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2005 12:38 PM
Subject: [pyrnet] Worried mom

I really need some help on this I am a new Pry mommy, his name is Dilbert. He is the sweetest little guy ever, we got his as a rescue pup. I have two problems though and any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!
The first one is potty training, ( we have another dog, and we had no problems with potty training her). The thing is he comes to tell us when he needs to go out to do number 2, but when it comes to number 1, no matter how much we watch him to see any mannerisms of him having to go out. He gives no sign at all!!! Even when we put him out every 30 min sometime he'll whine and scratch at the door to be let in, we do and, not all the time, but sometimes when he comes in not even 5 minutes later he will pee.??? We are at a real loss. We have tried everything. And we know that he can hold it in because when he is in his den he never messes in it.
The second question I have is, and I am hoping that it is a puppy thing is his aggression/nipping. He is only 16 weeks old and when he is playing with our Lab he sometimes becomes what I perceive to be aggressive. He starts biting and pulling at her. And every time Harley(our lab) comes in from outside he run at her jumps and starts biting her. He also nips at us, although not at bas as when we first got him.  We do correct his behaviour, and it is getting better toward us, but it does not seem to be the case towards Harley, and we are worried that when he gets bigger he might hurt her.  I am just hoping that it is a puppy thing and that he will grow out of it.
I would really appreciate any feed back of any kind .
Thank you
Nina Kelly
Alberta Canada

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