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Re: [pyrnet] Barking - [NEWSENDER] Message is from an unknown sender

    Does Kiah have her own blanket?   Ombre loves her blanket and has shredded into so many pieces there are just a few strips left, but she still plays with them in the yard.  She drags it around and then sleeps with it. 
    I couldn't begin to help you with crate issues.  A team of wild horses couldn't get Ombre in a crate - she hates'em.  (Only time she's been in one was when she was 14 weeks and we brought her home in it.)  
    Could you move the crate into a position where she can see you?  She may be feeling like you're vulnerable because she can't see you to "guard" you ????
    Bet she has a really good reason (at least in her mind) to bark all night.  Tough part is for you to figure it out. :)