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Re: [pyrnet] Behavior Question - Need Help!

Thanks to everybody for their comments and suggestions, particularly
to Amy and Cheryl who I think have pretty much hit the nail on the
head.  Misha's and my honeymoon is over, and I'm going to have to
learn how to deal with her stubbornness.

What happened this evening:  I thought that I'd be smart and take
Misha for a long, tiring walk BEFORE it got dark.  Everything went
fine, we walked for about 30 minutes UNTIL we got to where we had to
turn the corner to come back to our house, which is one house down
from the corner.  Misha just stopped in her tracks, wouldn't move, in
the street!  I finally coaxed her around the corner and about 20 feet
further and she stopped again and this time laid down before I could
stop her.  And there we stayed for about 15 minutes, with Misha laying
in the street (luckily not a busy one), and with me doing everything I
knew to try to get her up.  Finally, when I think SHE was ready and
having totally nothing to do with me, she stood up and I was able to
push/pull/carry/cajole her into the house.

It sounds funny to describe it afterwards, but it is really
frightening for her to be out in the street like that and for me to
know that there is absolutely nothing that I can do to make her move.
I don't want to have to stop with our walks because I fear for her
safety.  It doesn't take a psychologist to figure out that she didn't
want to come home, but I also tried to get her to come with me *away*
from our house, but she wouldn't budge for that either.  And if we are
going to walk, at some point we will always have to come back to the
house.  I know that she was very tired and thirsty tonight by the time
we finished our walk (we had a busy day), but it still wasn't enough
incentive to get her to move and come in the house.

We have taken a lot of walks around the neighborhood over the last
month and she's *never* acted like this before.

One bright note is that I'll be moving in a couple of weeks where
hopefully it will be a better situation, where we can walk safely
later in the evening and/or I can leave her outside if that's what she
prefers.  Don't know if that's going to help with the walks, though.