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[pyrnet] Can rescue - Austin TX

Greetings to the list -

I have been reading but not commenting for quite a long time.  I have had Pyrs as loving pets (not show or working dogs) for about 20 years.  In 2003, we adopted a beautiful, senior Pyr from GPRC in Devore, Ca.  I never expected him to live as long as he has, I wanted only to give him a safe and peaceful place to live out his last days.   Well, he's slow and sleeps a whole lot and just wants to be close to someone, and I love him to death.

Earlier this year, my parents sold their home and have been living in the 'granny flat' on my property while they shop for a new place.  My Dad has early Alzheimers, which is a very difficult thing as I am sure you all know.

Well, long story short, Dad and Smoke are the very best of friends.  They take their slow, old men walks around the neighborhood twice a day and sit together til late in the evening.  Smoke is going to miss my dad greatly when he moves, but he is so old himself that I don't think he can make the move with them.  Smoke will still have me and my family.  My Dad, on the other hand, will be lost.

My parents are moving to Austin TX  in a couple of months.  My dad needs a good bud like Smoke has been to him.  So I would very much appreciate notification of any ELDERLY Pyrs coming to rescue in that region, that need an old fart to hang with for a few years.

This is a job for an old dog.  The older, the better.  But must be good on a leash.


Linda Bowman