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Re: [pyrnet] GReat Pyrenees Question

Hi Alexys,

There used to be a great website that explained all this but the lady quit breeding Pyrs and livestock due to her own health problems and now I have not been able to find the site.

They do eat things that are already dead to clean up the area so as not to attract predators *and* it also helps supplement their diet.

Apparently, there have been dogs (Pyrs and other LGD breeds) who, if not receiving enough fat or protein in there food, killing a lamb or two just so that they can survive and guard the rest.  This has been, from what I understand, on large ranches where one or two dogs had a large area, with lots of stock and predators and needed more guardians and better/more food.

I'm not saying your dog isn't getting enough food or the right kind, I'm just giving examples of what has happened.

Also, some LGDs, whether we like it or not, don't do well with things like chickens or rabbits while others do.

Also, the more positive exposure he has to them, the better and correct any bad behavior immediately.  He may not see them as his charges, since they're in rabbit pens.  If you can socialize him to them, great.....if not, well you could put a perimeter fence around them and let him keep stuff away from them by circling the area but not getting where they are.

If he's good with other livestock, he's probably fine although some dogs just don't work out but I'd say he just doesn't know they're "his".....and the suggestion of an accident by playing is possible too but he's old enough to stop that so correct any play-with-the-livestock behavior.....he can play with you.  {smile  :)  }

Hope this helps.


In a message dated 8/16/2006 7:38:29 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Alexyslops456@aol.com writes:

At first I thought he thought they maybe mice as they are small at that age could this be? Do they eat the dead to keep predators away? At first I caught him digging a hole and dropping it in there but he stopped that and now he is eating it if it may fall to the ground from the nest.
Is there a way to correct this behavior when he kills a baby? Thank you. Alexys