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[pyrnet] Status of pyrnet.org

Several years ago, I acquired pyrnet.org after the abrupt demise of
pyrnet-l@pyrenees.org, 11 years ago.  I've maintained this domain
ever since.

But I've noticed traffic slacking off in recent months to a mere trickle.
Is there still a need for pyrnet-l?  Or are the needs of most members
being met by other venues these days?

If there's no need, I'll happily save $10 and let the domain expire.
If there is a need (or some kind soul who has $10 bucks burning a
hole in their pocket), I'll renew the domain.  But I need to know
in the next 7 days.


 /  \__  | Richard Rognlie / Sendmail Ninja / Gamerz.NET Lackey
 \__/  \ | http://www.gamerz.net/~rrognlie    <rrognlie at gamerz.net>
 /  \__/ | Creator of pbmserv@gamerz.net
 \__/    |                Helping reduce world productivity since 1994