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Re: [pyrnet] CHAT: Happy Valentines Day

Hi all:


This is a test email.  I have not received a pyrnet email since 10 Feb and am wondering what's up.


 If any do receive this email. I am also curious if any of y'all have ever actually seen or interacted with a Pyr/Newf mix? I read about two abandon / rescues recently and wondered what the purpose of the mix would be? Our Newf can't stay out of the water; he's a great retriever and is very social.  I suppose I could picture a Newf trying to be a guardian out of sheer loyalty, compassion and the desire to please. However, eventually a distraction would eventually lure him away. Vice versa with Newf traits in a Pyr. No offense to any who has the mix  - they are beauties to be sure, but still, I am wondering what kind of disposition the mix could possibly have?




----- Original Message -----
From: "Linda Anderson" <linda.nightsky@gmail.com>
To: "Great Pyrenees Discussion List" <Pyr-L@apple.ease.lsoft.com>, "Livestock Guardian Dog List" <LGD-L@apple.ease.lsoft.com>, pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org
Cc: "Kerry Kern Woods" <woodskk@eburg.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2009 8:55:05 PM GMT -06:00 Central America
Subject: [pyrnet] CHAT: Happy Valentines Day

Couldn't resist sharing one of my favorite pics... I need to photo shop a big heart around Sammy and Molly and it would look just right!

Linda Anderson
Nightsky Farm
Stanwood, Wash.