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[pyrnet] Health:Public servant questionnaire

Subject: Public servant questionnaire

Subject: Public servant questionnaire

From a Livestock Guardian Dog list... Developed by the anti-NAIS people

Your rights and actions to take to protect yourself if government agents
come to inspect your facilities or ask questions without a warrant.  If they
DO have a warrant, it must specify YOU by NAME and SPECIFICALLY state what
they are looking for.
A "John Doe" warrant is NOT LEGAL.  DO NOT allow entry.

With things going as they are, information is power.
PDF attachment included for the yahoo group people.  

Click on (below) on the first linked page


All Mail is scanned in AND out by Norton Anti-virus.
Fred and Lois Pack
Pack's Peak Stables
Wilkeson, Washington  98396


"For those of you that are worried about searches and government 
officials coming onto your land this is one document that can help you.  
I have read more than once where government officials have been turned 
away by being asked to fill out the forms.  I have a copy of the forms 
sitting next to our front door just in case.  Having a video camera 
handy is also a plus.


a 3-page version can be found here

http://www.nonaiswa.org/?p=304  "