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Re: [pyrnet] CHAT; BEHAVIOR: Molly visits the old folks home

Linda, very sorry to hear about Sampson. I know how painful it is to lose one of our dogs and my heart grieves for you.  I loved your story about the nursing home.  When I read how 'mellow' your Molly was I had to write and tell you that my pyr's name IS Mellow and he is a Certified Therapy Dog that has been trained to do Hospice visits.  We get names of people that are registered with Hospice which means they don't have long to live and we go see them.  They are so happy to see Mellow and make such a fuss over him until, sadly, they don't feel up to it anymore.  Then it's a comfort for him to put his big fuzzy head near them while I talk to them or read them inspirational dog stories or just sit quietly near their beds.  We just lost one of our clients last week, but I know that she looked up at the picture of herself with Mellow every day and got a chuckle from it and she loved showing off the picture she took with her big old white polar bear dog, as she referred to him.  She was so proud of their relationship.  You should take the time to get certified because not every place will let you go there without it and it gives you insurance if anything happens (for example if Molly would give paw and accidentally scratch someone). You sound like you and Molly would be a great team on visits.
 Roz and Mellow