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[WW] While we're talking books

Here's a couple that might be of particular use to a WW player/GM, since
they look at the war through the eyes of the participants.

Virtually anything by Stephen Ambrose on the subject (D-Day, Citizen
Soldiers, Band of Brothers, Comrades, etc).

_The Good War_, by Studs Terkel.  This was published back in the 80s (around
the time of the 40th anniversary of D-Day, IIRC).  I don't know if it's
still in print, but it shouldn't be too hard to find at a used bookstore.
Full of interesting anecdotes, my personal favorite involves a Waffen-SS
unit that surrendered to an american infantry company, only to find out that
their captors were an all-black unit. :-)

_Up Front_, by Bill Mauldin.  Mauldin was an artist, trained at the Chicago
School who made a career for himself creating the famous "Willie and Joe"
cartoons for Stars & Stripes (and winning a Pulitzer Prize in the process).
_Up Front_ is his personal memoir of the war, and contains a nearly complete
collection of his war cartoons ("I could've sworn there was a squad of
Krauts hidin' behind that cow.  Go wake up the cook!").

The title of the next one escapes me, but it consists of all of Ernie Pyle's
war dispatches.  Pyle was a war correspondent, considered by the soldiers
who knew him as the only guy who told it how it was.  His reports are
heroic, poignant, and bear eloquent witness to the men who served.

I'm sure there are others out there that will come to mind, but those will
do for now.
