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Re: [WW] Even more questions....

In a message dated 8/16/2001 3:28:22 PM Eastern Daylight Time, BJ@redbow.net

1) Does the Helmet and Flak jacket's AC Bonus stack? I would say no they do

Yes, they do stack.

2) In the combat rules under Automatic Fire and Telescopic sights it
mentions about making an "aimed fire attack." What is this? I, at the
moment, am ruling it is a standard one shot attack.

That is correct. It must be a full-round action.

)The scout is listed as having the First Aid class skill. I assume this is
the Heal skill.


The next two questions are pretty big

4) Languages. The way I understand it all languages are cross-class skills
for all present classes (I say that since more may be added later.) Since
the highest a cross-class skill can be a 3rd level is 3 it means that until
3rd level no character will be able to speak a 2nd language with much
   This makes the Resistance Fighter very hard to run since many (most)
campaigns will have American or British backgrounds and the Resistance
Fighter will have to be atleast 3rd level to communicate well. Does this
sound right? Shouldn't languages be class skills for everyone?

Nope. That's just not how the D20 system does it. Yes, it makes it hard.
Anyone that fluent needs to be 3rd level or better (and remember, we
recommend you starting characters at around 3rd level anyway).

5a) Artillery. On the Fire For Effect table (page 93) I assume the deviation
is in feet.


5b) The rules for artillery do a great job of artillery from the players
using it on the enemy. What about the enemy using it on them? Using it in
reverse does not seem adequate especially for somthing like the Germans
covering an area with artillery. How would you do this

I think it works just fine in reverse. Our group hid in foxholes while John
rolled random shots (1d6 per round from a German 81mm). It was quite tense
seeing if a shot just happened to deviate into your foxhole (which meant
certain death for us).
