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[WW] A WW demo

Hello folks,

I've been asked to host a Weird Wars demo for our local gaming store and
thought I'd share my demo idea with you all.  If you like the sound of it,
maybe I'll post details of it online - with spoiler warnings for you
players on the List.

demo synopsis:

The PCs are drafted by the mysterious OSI to parachute beyond enemy lines
on the mountainous border of Sweden and Finland to investigate a secret SS
experiment in a hidden artic valley of Viking ruins.

What does a recent Tibetian archaelogical dig, an ancient Egyptian tome,
and a reconstructed Viking ruin have in common?

Find out in "North by Nifelheim" a demo for Weird Wars II, written and
hosted by Nathan Letsinger.

	-Nathan Letsinger
"More than any other time in history, mankind faces a cross-roads. One
path leads to despair and utter hopelessness. The other, to total
extinction. Let us pray we have the wisdom to choose correctly."
- Woody Allen.