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Re: [WW] The points that I was trying to make on Blood on the Rhine

----- Original Message -----
From: "Magician" <magician@bc1.com>
To: <weirdwars@gamerz.net>
Sent: Saturday, September 01, 2001 3:38 PM
Subject: [WW] The points that I was trying to make on Blood on the Rhine

> Sorry if my last e-mail got alot of you confused, The points that I was
> trying to get across with Blood on the Rhine WW2 source book

It happens sometimes, I can understand.

> First the gaming system as I stated before that I don't like the D20
> Mainly because it was the system that replaced the unbroken AD&D system.
> Pinnacle thought of conversion rules for Weird Wars for there other
> Which I like better.

Well - suffice for this listserv that I disagree strongly, and that I don't
think it's the place for discussing d20 flaws and merits. Unless you all
want to? Hey, I could be wrong. And a conversion from d20 to 2E AD&D should
be easy. Just change the skills to proficiencies, keep the damages for
weapons, etc.

> Secondly on Medals what I mean is that the official list isn't very
> for each Ally and Axis country, I think that Canada has at least five or
> Medals that even before the Knightly order Medals. That the another type
> Medals that they left out of this WW2 Weird War source book, But these
> of Order and Heroic Medals aren't just awarded willy nilly. The person has
> to do a great service to there country and there branch of armed services,

True, there were a -lot- of other rewards - anyone got a list, by country?

> Thirdly Rune magic, Now personally it's an interesting twist on magic for
> WW2 Weird Wars, And I can see how it's suitable for the Nazis and Allies
> fighting them. But it does mention in Blood on the Rhine that there were
> other forms of magic during WW2, That's when thought about the Freemasons.
> Fourthly the Freemasons, Now make take on them is this in the Weird Wars
> world is this, Like the Sons of Solomon that they had mystical and hidden
> knowledge. Acording to Freemason myth that there desended from a Grand
> Master mason who was working on a temple for king Solomon, He had four
> underlings who wanted his knowledge and were willing to kill for it. So
> of the four encountered and stab him with there chisel to get the info,
> he survived each attack  He deccied to found a group to inlighted and
> protect his info, Now Scotish and English Freemasonary believed that they
> were founded by the Knight's Templar. American Freemansonary Differs from
> European due to the fact that they still use the death threat if you
> Freemason secerts and rites, Canadian Freemasonary is more benign they act
> like Shriners. They walk proudly in local prades and give lot of money to
> local charities,

PEG made good and heavy use of the Templars in Deadlands: HOE, and I
wouldn't mind seeing them appear in WW. However, too much strange/arcane
stuff makes it mundane. Scarcity of the occult is one thing that keeps
it -wierd-.

One thing that I'm looking forward to is what kind of magic the Japanese
Empire uses...some form of quasi-Shinto/Bhuddism? Reversion to more ancient
gods, like, say, Ama-terasu, the sun goddess...who may have turned on them
when they strayed too far from the path of righteousness, her wrath coming
from the sky one August morning? Just some thoughts...

While we're on that one...and this is -way- speculative, and out there - if
your group gets pretty successful, defeating Axis minions and magic left and
right, let them play with the occult, let them seal the gates to Hell...then
the Nazi atomics start falling, from the V2s and their larger bretheren...or
just show your OSI Chaplains that possible future, Europe ground into
charred, stinking mud, the cities of America aflame, vaporized...-scare-
