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[WW] Re: Vietnam and Hammer's Slammers Varients

[Weirdwars ignore this bit]
I'm on this one too. Weird seeing you message appear
on a different list.

It was an English club, the South London Warlords that
did the 'Nam and Slammers games. Accompanying articles
were printed in 'Wargames Illustrated' and the 'Nam
and Slammers stuff is on their website. The URL is:


You need aircraft and weapon stats (a good excuse to
buy that copy of Jane's aircraft or Fighter versus
Fighter of WW II or in my case dig the appropriate
Salamander book out of the attic) and some way on
handling height - and more importantly the energy
states it implies. Someone probably has the stats on
the 'net somewhere so you might get away with a cut
and paste into excel and a bit of jiggery pokery with

Silent Death would probably model aircraft combat a
lot more realistically than it models starship combat!
(that whole vector movement thing).


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