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Re: [WW] To Weird or not to weird


As a Call of Cthulhu Keeper, I can tell you that I've had the most success
with weirdness when it is gradually introduced. Let the Players go out on
missions and gradually work up to facing the Things That Should Not
Be. Hints, foreshadowings and all of the other tricks of the horror
writer should be used to create as sense of "something is wrong here". 

OTOH, if you're running a purely episodic campaign where each adventure is
a seperate story from the rest, the Indiana Jones style of campaign is a
good go. 

BTW, speaking of Indiana Jones, while cleaning out my closet I came across
one of the old West End Indiana Jones modules. ("Treasure of the
Templars"). One of the adventures had to do with keeping the Nazis from
getting their hands on Excalibur. I had the following idea for a mission
for Arne's Brandenburgers. 

SS-Einzatzkomanndo Z, comprised of personnel from SS Fallschirmjager Bn
500, have been tasked with a raid into southern England to recover
Excalibur from a dig site. The Brandenburgers get wind of this and just
before the SS leave and have to come with a way to stop them. 

Whattya think, Arne? Your boys up to it? 

Frank Frey

"The only difference between myself and a madman is that I am not mad!"
  Salvador Dali