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RE: [WW] Maps and other Resources

>     Has anyone on the list compiled a list of useful WW2 
> related links or hardcopy resources? Specifically, 
> scenario-friendly maps suited for squad-level combats (Nazi 
> bunker, bombed-out farmhouse, allied trenches, etc.)? Any 
> suggestions on where to find such? This is my first foray 
> into "historically-inspired" gaming, so my stockpile of 
> dungeon maps and starship deckplans are pretty useless ;)

I am a Campaign Cartographer user  / mailbase subscriber and a product
called (something like) "World War II Atlas" was announced last October.
In typical ProFantasy style, it hasn't seen the light of day even though
we were told that it would be ready 'before Christmas'.To be fair we
weren't told *which* Christmas it was to be released by! :-)

No info on World War II Atlas *yet*, but here's were it will announced.
ProFantasy: http://www.profantasy.com/

On a related subject I happened to watch "When Trumpets Fade" the other
day and was stunned when a map of the local area was placed atop a
vehicle bonnet (er ... 'hood' in the US of A) and we took a quick look.
Well, 'basic' is putting it mildly. If this map were typical of LOCAL
topographical maps given to squads during the period then I have to say
crayons and/or coloured pencils were the order of the day: very basic
features, generalised approximation of concours etc. Something that all
of us could knock out with Campaign Cartographer or, if you prefer an
easy life and don't want to spend a year trying to work out how the darn
program works, Fractal Mapper by NBOS.

Excellent, simple but effective, mapping tools.
NBOS: http://www.nbos.com/
