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[WW] Egyptian Campaign adventure Help!!!!!

Hi everyone.

	If you are attending Egyptian Campaign Convention in Carbondale
you are warned that the information below is ***SPOILER*** If that isn't
use PLEASE read below and comment.

	Okay, so here I am a big fan of Weird Wars and I have agreed to
run an adventure at a convention. (I have ran many adventures at
conventions so this is not strange to me.) 

	I have had an active 3e campaign pretty much since 3e came out
so I am confident of my knowledge of D20 rules. What has me worried is
that I haven't had a chance to really play Weird Wars. I have set down
with the rules and studied them, but sometimes that isn't the same as
	For those of you that have played what have been the surprises
you have found in actually playing the game? Also, I am wondering how
long combat takes. Does it run quicker in the WW setting or longer than
the D&D setting?

	For those of you that want to know about my adventure here is
what I have.

Title:  "Oh Yeah! You and what Army?"
Blurb: Your squad has been fighting since Omaha Beach and is looking
forward to some much needed R&R. A mysterious Captain appears and tells
you he has a mission to go 30 miles behind enemy lines with minimal
support. "You and what army," you ask only to find out that your squad
is the army.

	The whole idea of this adventure is loosely based on the Clint
Eastwood movie "Kelly's Heroes."

	The adventure starts in late August 1944 France. The platoon
(the players and several NPC's) are resting for 3 days before they go
back "on the line." That is the situation when a young (green, fresh out
of OCS) Captain (NPC) pulls up and tells the SGT (PC) that he has orders
to take over the platoon.
	The captain will brief the platoon on the mission. Apparently
several days ago another company in the platoon's regiment captured a
German Colonel that had papers discussing a shipment of gold bars
presently stored in a small town called Claremont. (Claremont is about
30 miles behind the German lines.)
	The German army is planning on moving this gold out and it would
be a great blow to the Germans if the allies could stop this gold from
going back to Berlin. The Captain's, and therefore the platoon's, orders
are simple. If possible capture the gold and return it to the allied
army, at all cost stop the gold from going to Berlin.
	Only the platoon can do it because time, distance, need for
troops elsewhere...yadda, yadda, yadda. (Note that the Captain will not
say what or whom is guarding the gold.)

	******The above is what the Captain will tell the platoon. The
truth 		is very different. The Captain is actually a member of
OSI. OSI 		has learned that along with the gold the Germans
have "acquired" 		a Vampire. This Vampire can not fall
into the hands of the 			Hitler, so the OSI has ordered
the Captain to take the platoon 		and destroy	the
vampire. The platoon is "expendable." The 			captain
will have a rucksack that he always carry's with him and
that he is very secretive about. In it he has some wooden
stakes, holy water, etc. 

	So the platoon will head out with a halftrack and jeep. Once
across German lines the platoon is scheduled to meet 3 Sherman tanks.

	The platoon will make it across German lines with little
trouble. Once across they will stop at little wooded area to talk with
the Captain. During, or a little after, their talk an airplane will
strafe the area destroying the halftrack and jeep.
	******Any suggestion on how to run this? I don't want to kill or
even 		really cause any injuries, but I want it to be tense for
the 		players. I am thinking of doing some reflex saves.

	Once out of that mess the players will begin walking towards
their destination. They will walk into a minefield. (It will be set off
by one of the players or NPC's.) As the players extract themselves from
the minefield they will see several trucks of German soldiers headed
there way.
	The platoon will have plenty of cover and time to set up an
ambush for the German soldiers. (Two trucks, one jeep, 2 officers, 20

	After that fight the platoon will meet up with a single
surviving Sherman and head for the town. At this time, or before it
actually, I expect the PC's to be asking the Captain what the opposition
is. The Captain figures the town is guarded by 30-40 troops and 3 Tiger

	The PC's will have advantage of surprise and will be able to
easily scout the town discovering where most of the troops are
stationed. They will be able to get the Sherman into the town by either
using church bells to cover the sound or when the Tiger's "warm up"
their engines. 
	In the ensuing fight the Sherman will be able to kill all there
Tigers, but it will be destroyed itself. The platoon will be tied up
taking care of soldiers and some strange looking soldiers as well. (Most
of this should be a turkey shoot, but some germans will ""resist" more
than others.)

	Once inside the "bank" the players will look at the gold while
the captain goes for a covered lump in the floor. It will be a Coffin
and the real fight will begin.....

What do you think?