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Re: [WW] The Wild Card System

Ok, let me get this straight:  Wild Card features

1. The ability to resolve *huge* combats in less than 20 minutes.
2. The ability to play *any genre* with the four-page basic rules.
3. There's no keeping track of wounds, hit points, or any of that stuff
for NPCs/ bad guys.
4. Heroes (and champion types) suffer detailed wounds. Everyone else is
either up, down, or off the table.
5. Isn't a chore to write and edit. 
6. Allows for great character advancement (a la d20.)
7. The use of large numbers of friendly NPCs without taking all night.

Screw the d20 conversion, give me a Classic DL to Wild Card conversion ;)

If all the above works out, i will be all over this bad boy. i think i'm
actually drooling.

Go Shane Go!

Happy Gaming, =)


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