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[WW] Bits and Pieces

After a morning buggering around looking for info for
our PbeM, here are some bits and pieces for interests

WO 208/2112 Translation of German flamethrower manual.

This report is dated 17 Apr 1941. German flamethrower
fuel is fuel oil. "In order to give the men a greater
sense of security attention should be drawn to the
fact that should the weapon be struck by an infantry
bullet or shell splinter it will not explode."

Two kinds of flamethrower are mentioned. The small
manpack version (Kl. Fm. W) holds 10 litres of oil and
5 of propellant, enough for 10 seconds of fire or 2 to
15 bursts. The two-man medium trolley flamethrower (m.
Fw. W) holds 30 litres of oil and 10 of propellant,
enough for 25 seconds of fire or 2 to 50 bursts. Both
equipments have a range of 25 to 30 metres. A
recharger trolley (Fm. W. Füllung), crewed by 4 men,
holds enough to recharge the small flamethrower 10
times, or the medium 3 times.

WO 291/780 Jettisonable petrol tanks used as aerial

This paper is based on US trials and operations in the
Pacific, and refers to what we should now call napalm

The weapon is described as a 165-gallon wing or belly
drop tank, as fitted to the US P-47, filled with
thickened petrol, and the filler cap modified to hold
a WP grenade with an all-ways fuze. For use over
water, a sodium grenade is used.

At 300 mph, 6° glide angle, from 100 feet, the pattern
produced is elliptical, 250–300 feet long from the
point of impact and 60–100 feet wide. Burning time is
5–10 minutes.

"Targets recommended by the Americans are: men in slit
trenches, hutments, wooden piers, Japanese bunkers and
undergrowth concealing defensive positions".

"Moral effects are extremely difficult to assess and
may become much less important as the enemy becomes
accustomed to flame attack. At present the moral
effect of attack by flamethrowers is considerable.
'Enemy resistance ceases when enough flame is used,
irrespective of casualties.'" (the quote is from "Gas
smoke and flame warfare in France", Report 4W/161/1 of
No. 4 Chemical Wing, CTS.)

Effect on troops in slit trenches: If the fuel is
evenly spread over a 250×60 ft pattern, 95% of slit
trenches in the area will be neutralised for at least
30 seconds (experienced troops), and 65% untenable
unless casualties are accepted (second degree burns).
The vulnerable area of 1000lb MC or GP HE bombs is
given as 4,000 to 8,000 square feet, depending on the
type of bomb and whether men are crouching or standing
in their trenches. The vulnerable area of the petrol
bomb is 12,000 square feet, regardless of posture.
"Air burst HE bombs are much more effective, but can
only be used in high-level attacks."

The effect on pillbox embrasures is not considered
great. Attacking with the wind behind is recommended,
so that flame and smoke will be blown into the
embrasure, but the amount of fuel introduced into the
embrasure will not be great — less than a gallon, the
minimum considered necessary to be effective. Still,
it is stated that "The moral effect of being
completely enveloped in burning petrol for 30 seconds
should be considerable."

"A lie gets halfway round the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on." - Winston Churchill

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