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Re: [WW] Secret societies (cross posted)

A little behind the scenes information....

-->Starts tape recorder, begins forwarding information to Illuminatus
The presence of secret societies in the Weird Wars lines will vary
tremendously with the settings.  I understand that Christopher, in the
War book, will have few if any.  In the American Colonial wars/American
of Independence book that I will be working on has several, including the
Sons of Solomon, the Freemasons, the Hellfire Club, the Order of the
The Sons of Liberty, and those supporting the Stuarts, to name but a few.

-->Very cool, at least for me.  I had over looked the Hellfire Club and
the Order of the Dragon.  I do intend to introduce the brothers Dracul
(Vlad (the Impaler), Radu, and Vlad the Monk), later in my campaign
(early to mid 44 I figure), so the Order of the Dragon is good idea to
factor into that.  How I'll do it I'm not sure, as it's not a priority. 
And Stuart supporters?  I can live out my Jacobite fantasy of returning
the rightful kings to the throne in England?  Woohoo!  Alright, I need to
calm down now....8)
Now, the book won't be out for awhile so I don't know how much immediate
help this will be.  That being said, it's your game so do what you want
it.  The only individuals I would add to your list that might add
to the setting would be the Wandering Jew and the Comte de Saint Germain.
After all, what's a metaphysical conspiracy without some immortals

-->So, will this be one book covering all eras?  Makes sense to me,
especially from a publishing stand point.  Either way, I guarantee I'll
get it when it comes out.  No matter what gets printed, I'll adapt what I
have to the "official" stuff, and make it work.  Just like I do with any
game product.  I really hadn't considered any immortals.  wasn't on my
radar screen as it were, avoiding the whole "Highlander" schtick.  But
the Wandering Jew, now that has some serious possibilities.  I could
really mess things up for everyone with him.  The Comte also has
possibilities, but I'll probably use him solely as a shaodw lurking in
the back.  Most likely, I'll never actually bring him into game, but
allude to him as a major mover and shaker.  
        I've also toyed with idea of an antedelluvian Atlantean or Thule
colony existing somewhere, and having a race to find it.  Not sure what
the benefit would be for either side, so I haven't done more than
postulate about it.  It may prove to be more unbalancing than the
potential benefits to game play.  have to think on it some more.

I hope this helps.  Take care.

-->Well no, but I do have something else to look forward to now.  8)  I
was curious if something was in teh pipe line, and so there is.  Now I
can slack off a bit on working on my societies in depth.  and I just love
to slack off.  Last question, what's the projected print date for this
book?  1Q 2003?  Just curious.
Matt DeForrest

-->Thanks Matt.  Though my players will probably curse you for planting
the idea of teh Wandering Jew in my head.  8)

Josh R

"No matter where you go, there you are."  B.Bonzai