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[WW] Alternate Weird War 2 setting

About a year before Blood on the Rhine came out, i was working on my own little World War 2 RPG setting. I've wanted to create a different setting for gaming, that would be rooted in our world history. I came up with what i called InnerWorld. The basic concecpt was, World War 2 with Magic. When i read about Weird Wars coming out for a WW2 setting, i held off doing any work on it till it came out. What came out was very close to some of my own Ideas. Since then i have slowly been building my own Weird War 2 setting based on what i had. Here is a list of ideas that i had for the setting.

It is the year 1948. The Lull has just ended and a devestated United States launches an Attack on the Empire of Japan to regain control of the Homefront. The Homefront is the western coast of the United States that Japan took over shortly after they destroyed the Hawiian islands. The battle ends and the US is successful after a titanic clash at Mt.Saint Helens, in wich the japanese triggered to erupt, with something along the lines of a Doomsday Device.

Meanwhile over in Europe, the Third Reich Invades the Soviet Union, with Use of powerful Blood Mages, and its own Army of Undead, The Reich successfully over comes the Iron Curtain(A large wall built by the Soviets to try and stop the Reich from invading, it failed)

Also the world is hollow, and the warring nations on the surface world are fighting a war in the innerworld for it resources, espcially for something called Black Iron. A very lightweight, very strong ore that is magic resitant. Warmachines, and weapons made with Black Iron has a very devestating effect on the way combat works.

The Third Reich is ruled by a young German man who makes HItler look like an Angel. Anyone who he feels dosnt fit with his view of what a superior race should look like is either exterminated, or enslaved. Also this Self Imposed Emporer is seeking Immortality through the use of magic.(every setting needs a good villian this guy is it).

Hitler has been ressurected by Eva Braun, after the Emperor killed him. Hitler now commands an Army of Undead that is rampaging through the Innerworld. The clashes between him and Pattons rouge Army have become legendary, as the two vow to destroy each other.

Stalin, who is now half man half machine, uses his Metal Man Technology(A form of crude Cybernetics/bionics) to combat The Reichs undead armies, allies with the USA to attack the Empire of Japan, and is fighting a two front war against the Third Reich and Japan.

Some other events, i have come up with and will eventually put into the setting and time line. THe Emporer of the Third Reich summons forth a great and powerful magic, and Sinks europe, making it a series of small islands, to get at what he beleives is the submerged Library of Alexandria. With the lowered Waterlevels in the area, the lost library is now above water.

The Battle at the Titanic. Seeking the SPear of Aries. The Emperor of the Third Reich and his blood mages seek out the sunken Titanic where the last known location of the Spear was at. Allied Wizards, and Nanzi blood mages duke it out over the sunken wreckage.


Thats just some of the basic ideas i have for my own Weird Wars Setting. Wich i plan to eventually get around and finishing. There is alot more than what i have described here. But thats the General Idea.



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