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[WW] Re: The Dogs of War (well wolves actually)

After WW II it was noticed that there had been a large
increase in the wolf population of those countries
which still had them. This was largely due to their
not being hunted for a few years but in France it is
thought that a large number of ex-German army dogs may
have added to the population (apparently though,
despite their appearance German Shepherd dogs are very
far removed from wolves).

In Russia of course the story is more interesting. I
read an account of how a village was attacked by
wolves, who had lost their fear of men from eating
corpses and the wounded. They were knocking doors down
and the villagers were only saved by the Red Army and
air force (bombing the wolf packs!). It sounds a
little far fetched to me but useful. I know that they
had similar problems in Africa with hyaenas after
epidemics, and hyaenas are much scarier than wolves.


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