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Re: [WW] Thoughts and Help requested about mission idea

Okay, I'm a player in this pbem but I was given permission to read the
post and offer comments. 

I agree on the suspense versus hot monkey violence angle. We've done the
German killing thing in the last two adventures so some thinky thinky
would be a nice change of pace.

May I suggest the follow:
Since all our insertion and evac plans generally go to crap upon
activation (we have yet to actually leave a plane and have that aircraft
still flying normally), let us continue the trend. Upon arrival at the
installation a good dose of nasty weather blows in meaning, for the time
being, that there is NO escape from the facility. So our lucky lads are
trapped for the duration. This lets us get in some good blundering
around, some exploring, and some fact finding. All good for scaring the
buggery out of the Toms as they see the facts of life for themselves.

Next - jail break time. Say two of the doggies (perhaps he and she
varieties) are a whole lot smarter than they've been given credit for.
They're kind of sick of being treated like, well, animals, and decide to
do something about it. Being smart little doggies they not only escape
themselves but also break out the rest of their kind from captivity.
Being a predator is a hard thing to shake so to entertain themselves
they hunt down and kill the rest of the evil humans throughout the
facility and nearby grounds. 

Which leaves us with our stiff upper lipped lads (and a Russian) looking
on in more than distaste, a lot of scared Germans trying not to get
slaughtered, some rather angry puppies with far to much intelligence
behind their eyes, and not a lot of room for all of them to exist at
once (with the exception of within certain bellies).

It wouldn't be hard to convince our bally heroes that they have to kill
the King and Queen dogs since they might get away and start breeding out
in the country side. Whether possible or not without the associated
ritual is beyond the scope of the course as our heroes just can't risk
being wrong with this. So in good English fashion, it's exterminate the
locals time and them home for din dins. 

The theme of the mission would be a cross between Resident Evil (haven't
seen the movie nor played the game(s) but from the movie trailer I think
the plot is somewhat similar) and Aliens. Getting into the facility, and
eventually out of it, is relatively simple. It's the staying alive while
within the facility that's going to cause all the problems. Going in
with guns blazing is not going to help matters in the slightest. This
one is going to be full of thinky stuff, stealth, and generally a good
case of the frighteners. 

There's a chance to do a little collaborating with the enemy, say
perhaps a Bloodmage trapped in a storage room who is rescued and spills
some of the beans. Do we trust the guy or, after recognising the small
red stone in his possession, put a bit of good honest cold English steel
through his heart?

Even better, if we manage to corner the two head dogs, have one of them
try an honest attempt at speaking German. "No Kill" or something along
those lines. Might as well play with the heart strings a bit along the
way and see who is a big softy. 

Any of that worth sending up the flagpole?

Mr. B