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Re: [WW] Weird Wars Problems - Savage Worlds - D20 Modern

PEGShane@aol.com wrote:
> Hey all,
> This whole gun thing is getting blown way out of proportion. A *little* more
> info on some of the guns would have been useful--a technical manual would
> not. I'm sure we all agree here.

Ayup.  I never said anything about wanting a technical manual.  Nor did
I expect the ambush.  This isn't the place for thoughts on the game it
seems.  I really just didn't expect to have a passing opinion attacked
so brutally, and all the personal attacks with it.  
> Let's move on before this gets downright unfriendly.

Moved on, I'm done with the thread.  Sorry about the replies, I should
have just ignored the whole ridiculous thing.
Apologies to Shane and the rest who have this take up their bandwidth.
