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[WW] Crete, Knossos and the Minotaur

I heard the start of a play on BBC Radio 4 yesterday
about Arthur Evans and Knossos. The play opened with
Evans as an old man, sitting in his garden and hearing
that the Germans had invaded Crete.

This seems to offer some promise for a Weirdwars

SS blood mages are investigating the palace at
Knossos. An allied team will be sent in to stop them
("We don't know what they want but we can be
certain it would be better if they don't get it"),
the PCs. They must interview Evans before they go -
possibly encountering an assassin after the old man
("But why would the Nazis want to kill such a
harmless old man?") - he may tell them something
important, something secret.

I really have little idea what the secret is. An
imprisoned creature/demon/god seems likely. A link
with earthquakes seems natural as well - perhaps they
hope to harness the Minotaur's power to create
earthquakes (I know I am mixing myths here)?

I imagine there will be a firefight in the palace at
Knossos and other high jinks.

I have not done any reaserch for this idea but I am
aware that they fond evidence of human sacrifice,
possibly in an (unsuccessful) attempt to ward off an
earthquake. Add in the bestiality inherent in the myth
and you have a heady mix.



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