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[werewolf] Re: Werewolf chat 114 from markball

Speaking of programming...could someone direct me to where I could go in order to pursue a possible 'clone' (if you'll call it that) of werewolf? I program for a few turn based game sites (http://www.goldtoken.com/ right now, the other one still in it's testing stages) and was wondering about placing the game on one of them. Because it's not a PBEM server it'll be in a much different format, the chat likely involving discussion forums...I'm not sure what direction to go in just yet, as I like this format so very much :) Just wondering if there's a copyright on the game idea. It'll be completely recoded as the system is setup much differently than is the PBEM server is. Thanks for info :)


talk to jordan


wonder if the dailywerewolf.com is available