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Re: [werewolf] -possess option

flig@aol.com hired
an infinite number of monkeys to write:

> In game 284, one player had to take leave of the game, and one of the 
> dead players is going to step in to fill the role.
> And now I'm thinking about the -possess option for serious....wonder if 
> it could work.
> Every game, one player could become a (poltergeist) if they are killed. 
>  The poltergeist can, during the day, possess another player, and 
> without that person knowing, change his or her vote.  That change would 
> only show up when the day ends ... and even then, would only be known 
> by the possessed person ("hey, that's not who I voted for!")
> Ok, now tell me everything that's wrong with that idea.  Including the 
> part where nobody wants to write the code.

1) Nobody wants to write the code.

2) The "only be known to the possessed person" angle would only matter
in secret games.

3) Most of the time it wouldn't matter unless it was close.

How about this idea?

Taking a page from survivor, give one person the "hidden immunity
idol" randomly assigned at the beginning of the game.  If the person
who has this idol is due to be lynched, instead the person with the
2nd highest place votes is lynched instead.  If the person with the
idol is attacked at night, the idol protects them.  Once the idol has
been used, it disappears never to be seen again.  If this happens
during the day, everybody knows that it was used.  If it happens at
night, only the person with the idol knows that it is gone.

The idol can be passed from one person to another at any time until it
is used.

The person with the idol can "show" the idol to everyone, which would
generate a message from the server showing the idol.

Ted Rathkopf