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Help For Gravity


Welcome to the network Gravity server.
The commands are the same for all pbmserv games.

The Rules of Gravity

Object of the Game

On an 8x8 board, two players alternate inserting their pieces on the board. The gravitation on the board pulls the pieces towards the edges. First to 4 in a row wins.

Movement Rules

On your turn, you position a piece of your type on any spot. The gravitation will then pull the piece to the closest edge on the board. If equally close to two edges the piece will be pulled diagonaly.

                  A B C D E F G H
                1 . . . . . . x . 1
                2 o . . . . . . x 2
                3 . . . . . . . . 3
                4 . x . . . . . . 4
                5 x o . . . x x x 5
                6 . . o . . . . . 6
                7 . . . . . . . . 7
                8 . . . . . . . . 8
                  A B C D E F G H

         Figure 1 -- Gravity clarification

A2, will stay
B4, gravity will pull it to the closest edge (A4)
B5, will stay - gravity cannot pull it any further
C6, gravity will pull diagonaly to A8 (equally close to two edges)
E5, Eks will not win by plying here, gravity pulls it to H8 before the win counts
G2, gravity will pull diagonally to H1 - the piece will not stick to G1/H2

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