Spells are cast using an ordered series of gestures. The Spell List gives a detailed description of all the spells and their effects. The spells and their required gestures are summarised in the Spell Summary Table. For example, three wriggling finger gestures on consecutive turns (noted as F F F) evokes a Paralysis spell. Note, however, is that a single gesture can be used in more than one series and, hence, can be used to cast more than one spell.

A single gesture may be used in more than one spell provided that: the gestures have been made in the correct sequence without interruption; no more than one spell is created per gesture; and all gestures for one spell are made with the same hand.

For instance, the left hand could cast the F F F above. In the following four turns the left hand could gesture (S S D D) to finish off a Fireball spell since the last five gestures would then be (F S S D D). Another alternative is to simply perform another (F) for a second Paralysis spell, as the last three gestures are still (F F F). If spells are used in a wise manner and frequently overlap, the overall number of gestures needed to cast them can be cut dramatically.

If a single gesture can be construed to be the final gesture of two or more spells then the caster chooses which one to cast. For example, the last two gestures of a Finger Of Death are the same as Magic Missile, yet only on odd occasions would the latter spell be chosen in preference to the former.

Another example of the one-spell-per-gesture concept is the following:

Left hand: W W W S Last 3 gestures form Counter Spell

Right hand: P P W S Last 4 gestures form Invisibility

The trouble here is the Invisibility spell needs both hands to perform certain gestures. However, since the final S of the left hand cannot be used to cast two spells, it is clear that a choice must be made between the W W S of the Counter Spell and the P P w s of the Invisibility.

Here and in the rest of the document, a lowercase letter denotes a gesture to be performed with both hands simultaneously. E.g. w denotes a W by each hand.

If the caster completes a series that casts a spell, intentionally or unintentionally, the spell must be cast. For example Fire Storm gets you no matter where it is released. Note also that some of the larger spells have smaller ones incorporated within their casting series.

All spells and monsters need a target, someone or something to be the victim. Each spell (and the "stab" gesture) has a default target, which is where it will go if you do not specify the target for the casting hand. In general, spells with beneficial effects are defaulted to have the caster as the target. Spells with adverse effects are defaulted to have the opposing Wizard as the target. However, if in doubt, specify the target of your spell!

Specifying the target of each spell to be cast (if the target is not the default target for the spell) is part of writing the orders for each round.

Spells can be aborted at any point during their development simply by performing a gesture which breaks up the series for that spell. There is no penalty, save having wasted some time. Note that no spells contain Stab or Nothing. Also note that nonsense (Zen?) gestures such as C with just one hand are considered the same as Nothing (-) (which is a fairly Zenlike concept, in and of itself). Consequently, after one of these options is taken, all spells for that hand must start from scratch. Note also that wizards carry only one dagger and so cannot stab with both hands at the same time. Wizards can, however, change hands for stabbing without wasting time. Such are the advantages of physical violence.

Although all spells go off "at the same time", it is sometimes useful to know which takes effect first. For example, does a Resist Heat save you from a Fireball cast in the same turn? These types of questions can be answered by referring to the Spell Casting Series table. If this table doesn't answer your question, then you may need to find out the answer by experimentation!

Before the battle commences, the referee casts a Dispel Magic followed by an Anti Spell at each of the wizards, and each wizard bows to the opponent, so they cannot commence gesturing prematurely in order to nearly finish a spell when they start the battle. For the same reason, being made resistant to fire in your last battle doesn't do you any good in the next.


Spells are created by strings of gestures made with the hands. There are five single-handed magical gestures:

the wriggled fingers (F)

the proffered palm (P)

the snap (S)

the wave (W)

the digit pointing (D)

There is one two-handed magical gesture: the clap (c). Both hands must be specified as clapping in the same turn for this gesture to be useful.

There also two non-magical gestures:

stab (>)

nothing (-)

The abbreviation for each gesture is used when specifying directions for the turn.