Help For the Game Of Trinim


Welcome to the network Trinim server. The rules of Trinim are given below. The challenge command is described here. Other commands are the same for all pbmserv games.

  trinim challenge [-size=number] userid1 userid2 [userid3]

Start a new game between userid1 and userid2 (and optionally userid3).

The -size parameter sets the board size. This must be a number in the range 3..20 such that the total number of cells on the resulting board is divisible by 3.


The board is randomly filled with an equal number of red, green and blue pieces.

       1-  b
      2-  b b
     3-  b g r
    4-  g r g g
   5-  r b g r r
        \ \ \ \ \
         A B C D E
         R   G   B   Score
         ~   ~   ~   ~~~~~
Fred     0   0   0     0
Ted      0   0   0     0

Players take turns grabbing either a single piece or a contiguous line of pieces from the board.

The game ends when there are no pieces left on the board. Players count the number of colours for which they've grabbed an even number of pieces, and the winner is the player with the highest count.

For instance, the following game has been won by Fred, who has grabbed an even number of red pieces and an even number of green pieces. Ted has only grabbed an even number of blue pieces.

       1-  .
      2-  . .
     3-  . . .
    4-  . . . .
   5-  . . . . .
        \ \ \ \ \
         A B C D E
         R   G   B   Score
         ~   ~   ~   ~~~~~
Fred     4   0   1     2
Ted      1   5   4     1

If more than one player has the best count (possible in the three-player version) then the game is drawn. The counts of resigned players are ignored.


The move syntax is:

trinim move <board#> <username> <password> C3
Grab the piece at C3.

trinim move <board#> <username> <password> D4-D2
Grab the continuous line of pieces from D4 to D2.

References and History

Trinim rules by Joan Josep.

Implementation and help file by Cameron Browne, April 2005.