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Re: [DL][OT] Jerk Wadd

Caias Brian Ward wrote:
> 1) Don't flame me.  I was being courteous to everyone else who gets the same
> off-topic messages you send out...

You weren't flamed, you don't even know what flamed is Jerk Face, this is

> 2) Don't argue with the Deputy. :)

I have argued with the Deputy and respect him in his role as Deputy and in his
personal posts, that dosn't mean that he is perfect and shouldn't be pointed out
when he is or isn't.
> 3) This is a Deadlands list.  Not a "Deadlands and other stuff" list.  We
> bring up other topics, but this thread has gone on for dozens of messages.
> And the Deputy told you to take it to private mail.

Too darn bad, if I need an opinion from you I will beat it out of you, this has
to do with the fact that you think this list is for your private consumption it
isn't and not mine either.  No one appointed you to do the Deputy's Job, and at
least I have the sense not to try.
> 4) my concern is that Shane doesn't really read stuff that doesn't have his
> name in the header.  Hence, your message is just wasted bandwidth.  Drop him
> a private note if you you are that concerned... but this thread has gone on
> how long?

Point taken and it needs to be pointed out that these earlier responses came
from a response to his post and included his original topic in the heading.  I
from my personal experience read the topics I start, don't you Wardy.
> Please, can we end this?
I can die if you let it, I realize I will probably go on review for this.

> On an on-topic note, I am helping to run a Live Action Deadlands event at
> MonCon 2000, March 31-April 2nd, in New Jersey.  Go to
> www.talespinnerstudios.com for more information.  And look around at our
> other stuff while you are at it.
No that's not on topic this is not the Deadlands' Live Action List, you rentive
Whateley.  OH, I said Whateley so it must be on topic.  Do you have permission
from PEG to do this? or will what your doing, become some lawyer's future
challenge to their copyright.

> Thanks
> Caias Brian Ward

AKA James A. Miles