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[DL] Mood Music

Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000 21:00:13 -0500
To: deadlands@gamerz.net
From: Thomas Mayfield <dragonboyblue@mindspring.com>
Subject: [DL] Mood Music

The Oompa Loompas got me thinking (I'm sure you can smell wood burning :-)
Using the technique of contrast, one can turn any carefree, innocent thing
into something to really scare the posse.  I havn't been able to get my
grubby little hands on any of the PEG CDs, but with a little creative
mixing and a CD burner, one can have great fun with lullaby melodies.  Put
lots of bass in the background- just like the intro to Korn's "Dead Bodies
Everywhere".  Anybody have suggestions for existing CDs fer background music? 

><<Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2000 22:11:46 EST
>From: Whateley25@aol.com
>Subject: Re: [DL] Now I need plot help too!
>In a message dated 1/12/00 10:09:57 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
>zacharin@pluto.dsu.edu writes:
><< >      Or you could say that there is one serviceable road through the
> > mountains, but it happens to be occupied by a gang of murderous hillbilly
> > cannibals. Whatever works.
> Make them midgets, too.  Not only are they harder to hit, but they're also
> funnier!
> Nick "midget in a tube" Zachariasen
> President
> Corporate Communications
> Entropy Gradient Reversals >>
>    No, to make it even odder... Make them Oompa Loompas! Can you imagine
>fear on their faces when a large group of murderous, cannibal, hillbilly 
>Oompas Loompas? It's just too perfect. This is going in my game.
>    -~Flounder>>

I did not have sexual relations with that woman!