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Re: [DL] Mood Music

When I 'm in the mood to give my posse a good musical jolt, I'll toss on the
Sixteen Horsepower album, Sackcloth and Ashes. Track one, I Seen What I Saw, sets
the mood nicely. I also like to use Metallica's tributes to Lovecraft's Mythos;
Things that Should Not Be, Call of Kthulu, and Through the Never. I have also
found that garage surf bands like The Bomboras, the Swingin' Neckbreakers, Los
Straitjackets, The Ghastly Ones, and Red Elvis (especially their contributions to
the Six String Samurai soundtrack) work rather well as incidental music.

Thomas Mayfield wrote:

> The Oompa Loompas got me thinking (I'm sure you can smell wood burning :-)
> Using the technique of contrast, one can turn any carefree, innocent thing
> into something to really scare the posse.  I havn't been able to get my
> grubby little hands on any of the PEG CDs, but with a little creative
> mixing and a CD burner, one can have great fun with lullaby melodies.  Put
> lots of bass in the background- just like the intro to Korn's "Dead Bodies
> Everywhere".  Anybody have suggestions for existing CDs fer background music?
> <<Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2000 22:11:46 EST
> From: Whateley25@aol.com
> Subject: Re: [DL] Now I need plot help too!
> In a message dated 1/12/00 10:09:57 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> zacharin@pluto.dsu.edu writes:
> << >      Or you could say that there is one serviceable road through the
>  > mountains, but it happens to be occupied by a gang of murderous hillbilly
>  > cannibals. Whatever works.
>  Make them midgets, too.  Not only are they harder to hit, but they're also
>  funnier!
>  Nick "midget in a tube" Zachariasen
>  President
>  Corporate Communications
>  Entropy Gradient Reversals >>
>     No, to make it even odder... Make them Oompa Loompas! Can you imagine the
> fear on their faces when a large group of murderous, cannibal, hillbilly
> Oompas Loompas? It's just too perfect. This is going in my game.
>     -~Flounder>>
> --------------------------------------------
> I did not have sexual relations with that woman!
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