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[DL] Minis [Shane or Goff]

Hey, Shane, with all the discussion about wanting minis, perhaps a
limited run of some of the more sought after minis might be in order
(Hanging Judge seems to be popular).... you know, distributers and
retailers could do the industary a favor by doing "special orders" that
pool requests for out of print product, and when there is enough for a
print run, you run one.... in theory quick easy cash at little cost....

Hell, I sort of want some, and the Great Rail Wars/Grim Crusade....

What makes you guys say that there is going to be a flood of minis to
the market (I know AOG is cranking out B5Wars product, and Crimson Skies
from FASA is... well what can you say about them? its there.... though
Battletech sales might pick up, that leaves Games Workshop) I honestly
don't see anything WOTC puts out as selling
