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Re: [DL] Huckster Odds

>> http://www.darious.com/Deadlands/Odds%20Charts/ has a file called poker
>> hands.pdf that has the efforts by another statiscian that breaks down the
>> odds pretty good for up to 9 cards draws.
>> It also has the raw data for the calculations.  If it's not there, then
>> it's in the poker hands.xls file.
>> -------------------
>that link appears to not work

Sorry - I renamed everything to get rid of the capitalization and spaces.  Try

Allan Seyberth

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Alastair Cooke:
Good Evening, and welcome to Masterpiece Theatre.
Tonight, we present the epic British drama "How The Chicken Went," based on
the 1843 novel by Herbert T.
Poultry, and adapted for the screen by Joanna Drumstick.
Starring Susan Hampshire as the Chicken, and Anthony Hopkins as the evil
and unrepentant diner, Borstrom, this elegant period piece explores the
mores and morality of a society in which ordinary chickens had to face
their destiny of crossing the road to meet their fate at the hands of the
monied upper classes, regardless of their own ambitions or desires...