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Re: [DL] Those Pesky Grim Servants o' Death

> I found my players taking Grim Servant of Death as they thought it was an
> easy 5pt hindrance as they were spending most of their time on the trail
> away from innocent bystanders.  In an attempt to persuade them it's a
> hindrance, now whenever they take damage in a fight, they automatically
> receive 1 extra wound for each GsoD in the posse. Also, these extra wounds
> can't be negated by spending fate chips. And it works! The posse are now
> s**t scared of the hindrance and view anyone who has it with fear and
> trepidation!! :-)

My posse is just the opposite about this Hinderance.  Nobody dares take it
for fear that another member of the posse will find ways to make 'em reget
it.  My group has been playing together for quite a few years and they have
no problems lynching a troublesome player, leaving 'em behind when they move
on or, in the case of a newly created character, simply deciding that they
just don't like him/her.  The latter is because I make the group roleplay
the whole thing out.  It helps establish the player dynamics quickly.