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Re: [DL] Chronologies...

In a message dated 1/25/00 1:37:24 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
melndane@cableone.net writes:

<< Has anyone bothered to create some sort of chronology for the events for
 the years 1876 through 1878 for the Deadlands universe?  I already have
 the one from 1863-1876 from the PEG web site.  I am trying to fit these
 events into an over-arching chronology, but ToT and other sources are
 woefully short on solid dates. I'd be tickled with just months & the
 year for most events... >>

    A noble effort, to be sure!  I wish you luck with it.  However, I should 
explain that, at least for *my* parts of TOT:77, I deliberately avoided 
putting in dates to keep from straitjacketing people. If I don't lock an 
event down with a date, or even a reference to other events if I can prevent 
it, you the DL gamers of the world can slot it into your campaign whenever 
you want during the 1877 period (perhaps even a little before, or a little 
after). Since I don't believe many gamers -- perhaps *any* gamers -- try to 
follow PEG's (or any other game company's) story/setting 100% exactly, I 
figured this was the best way to approach the situation.

Steve Long