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Re: [DL] Harrowed - Am I Missing Something? (Repost)


>My group has chatted about what would happen should a posse member become a
>Harrowed.  (My bad that they know a bit about them.  In my exitement about
>the game before we started, I let a tad bit of it slip... probably my
>biggest hinderance as a GM/Marshal, I tip my hand a bit more than I should.)
>To a person, they plan on "puttin' him back where he belongs... in the
>dirt".  This is for one simple reason (in their minds), no matter how useful
>the posse member was and no matter how much MORE useful he is now with those
>neat-o Harrowed powers that they've heard whispers of, they'll never be able
>to let their guard down with him/her ever again.  They know
>that, eventually, that Manitou is gonna grab dominion and make a ruckus.
could be a problem...have they ever played Wraith?

>This seems to be an element of the game that neither I nor my players have
>seemed to get a handle on yet it seems to be an important aspect.  Can
>someone help me out?
>If a posse member becomes Harrowed, why shouldn't the posse put him back
>down as quick as possible?  Why should they ever trust him?  And when should
>the Manitou make an attempt to gain dominion?  I don't see how the posse can
>NOT know when a member has come back from the dead since, thus far, they
>have given a proper burial to all dead humans (including the bad guys)
>primarily due to brow-beating (or Bible-thumping) from the Blessed member.
>And how do y'all go about doing a dominion test without letting the rest of
>the posse know it is occurring?

well, Generally, in Deadlands, even without prior Harrowed Knowledge, 
methinks people would be leery of anyone back from the dead.  I know my 
knee jerk reaction  would be "hmmm...it says its bob...bob died...kill 
it!"  I'd think prior knowledge only makes them more inclined to trust the 
walking dead guy, not less, unless they are real, real trusting.

as far as dominion test, roll.  no need to announce it, just roll. you can 
even sneak the chips in the pot real quiet like.

>Seems to me that as soon as the Manitou gains control and tries something
>fishy he's a gonner.  Is a Manitou nuts enough to grab dominion and tip his
>hand just to say, push one of our heroes in front of a speeding train
>knowing that, assuming he was seen, he's done for?  Or does it prefer to be
>more subtle like allow an Abomination access to the camp while he's on guard
>duty?  (Not that my posse would ever let anyone they didn't trust compIetely
>be on guard duty to begin with!) I guess I just can't seem to get inside a
>Manitou's head (no pun intended!) and see why he would take such a risk.
>I mean, correct me if I'm wrong here but, isn't a Manitou basically immortal
>unless he enters a human and creates a Harrowed?  Now he's very vulnerable.
>Just doesn't seem worth it.

part of my point.  In My game, Manitous rarely take over, and half the time 
Harrowed PCs never know they ever did.  The do things REAL subtle. 
Sometimes even sparing the Posse if for no other reason then if the Posse 
goes, they go (but not necessarily).  I get irritated with Marshals that 
have the Manitou be blatant, mostly cuz I never do.  Your right, one fishy 
thing he is a goner, so they typically bide their time.  Remember, your 
immortal, and Manitous, and your existence comes before the reckoners plans.

>Have I completely missed the point here?  Or am I just looking too deep?
>As if I'm not asking enough questions, I have one more... what advice should
>I give a player about how to play it once he becomes Harrowed?  4 of my 5
>players have the roleplaying skills and experience to pull it off without me
>having to take control.

Play his character.   if the Manitou takes over, you may want to have a 
hand signal or something to let him know, and act appropriately.  The 
problem comes when you want it to do something specific )most of the time) 
and the player is not alone.  Then something might have to be worked out.