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Re: [DL] Story Ideas needed and Question

> Spoilers:
>     My Posse is heading towards Denver, and I need good ideas for shot
adventures in Denver. I'm stumped, so I decided to ask the wonderful,
> creative, friendly and helpful people on this wonderful Mailing list.

     Hurm. The only things I know about Denver are what I've read in the
Player section of QatD (since I've just started playing in a Deadlands
campaign I've decided not to look at the Marshall's sections for a while),
and that isn't saying much. Still, I'm sure we can think something up.

     Howzabout this...the characters arrive in Denver just in time for the
mayoral elections. The candidates are very well matched. Each one has the
backing of some powerful businessmen (perhaps even railroads), each one has
a small army of goons playing havoc with the other's operations, and each
one is willing to do anything it takes to win. Furthermore, each man has
(unbeknownst to the other), sold his soul to a manitou in exchange for
power! In addition to the standard assassinations, thug attacks, and
vote-buying which occur in any election year, Denver has seen a rash of very
bizarre and mysterious acts of murder and vandalism. A crusading muckraker
in town wants to publish a juicy expose about the two demonic candidates,
but first he'll need our intrepid heroes to dig up some dirt for him.
