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Re: [DL] tainted ones

>i have just started my group keying up new pc's for a new campaign, and the
>harrowed soldier has paid 5 points for a relic that gives him +5 to all
>dominion rolls.
>i was hoping for a few ideas as to what kind of taint to give the item
>without going over the top.
>     any help most welcome
>                                                 deadlander
Hi, this is my first post to this list. Hope it all works.

As to the taint thing.I would go for a taint that wasn't harrowd related
or even magical/spiritual. Something like this:

The relic is small.
The item has to be worn at all times and close to the skin.
No quickly getting the item when you feel a dominion roll
coming up.
If the item is ever removed, this triggers the Manitou who is
of course somewhat annoyed (the player is unaware of this).
Perhaps the relic can be sown into the skin? Although I
wouldn't suggest this as the Marshall.Let the player come
up with it. Nailed into the forehead? [evil grin]

Now as to the taint proper: nightmares -> screams in the
night enough to wake the (un)dead, and his fellow posse
members. Lack of sleep all round. On occassion.
Or my personal favourite: allergies. sneezing at awkward
moments. Or perhaps an unsightly and itching rash or
'skincondition', again at awkward moments.:
"Excuse me, but what is that growth on your face?"
"My nose?"
"No,no. On your nose."
