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Re: [DL] 'Different' campaign ideas? (spoilers for FF8... Kind of)

> S
> P
> O
> I
> L
> E
> R
> S
> P
> A
> C
> E

It's nice when someone does the work for you like above.  My suggestion
would be to follow something put forth in BE:tS and use the Bermuda
Triangle.  Don't draw the cards, don't roll the die, just decide that they
end up somewhere and they meet doubles of themselves or something along
those lines, and make them play BOTH version of the characters.  Give them
the same thoughts and memories and motivations, but make it so that they
know they're not the same person; however, make sure that they believe that
they're the original (a la the Spider-Clone from Spider Man).  Set it up so
that one set has to die, and they have to choose- split up the posse
somehow, but don't let them duplicate (some sort of "AHH!! MY HEAD!!"
proximity thing could work for that purpose), but as soon as they make the
choice,they wake up in a place they know and make them wonder exactly which
person they are.  Monkey with the character sheets a bit- give them new
memories and Aptitudes and take away from existing ones, just to further
enhance the feeling of "Who am I?" that you're trying to instill- but make
sure your players are cool with it, or at least be sure that they would be.
Don't go messing with a carefully-crafted character unless the player says
it's O.K.  Otherwise, some animosity could develop, and that would
definitely be A Bad Thing (tm).

Nick "Was that sensible?  Eek!" Zachariasen

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