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Re: [DL] Egyptian Mummies in the Weird West

>I really haven't fleshed the idea any further than that (what the mummies do
>after that, how the posse finds them, etc.) because I wanted to find some
>confirming source material about mummies having been used as locomotive fuel
>in the first place. Anyone have any prior knowledge of this? I've searched
>everywhere I can think of and can't find anything useful.

I believe. . . that the reason mummies were used was because they burned -
powering the steam engine.

Now - in DL, Egypt may not have any ghost rock, but if you want that ghost
rock power - mummies.  

Allan Seyberth

Why did the chicken cross the road?

O chicken, do not meddle in the affairs of roads, for you are tasty and
good with barbecue sauce.