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Re: [DL] persuading against the odds

> But you want to smooth-talk your way into an awkward
> situation, it seems a 
> lot of Marshals (refs, game masters, what have you)
> expect you to come up 
> with a compelling argument that you present instantly,
> eloquently, and 
> completely in character.

My perspective comes from seeing players try it on other
players.  When you get a situation where the character 1
*certainly* wouldn't do something, both players know it,
but the player 2, tries to manipulate the rules/rolls to
force player 1's hand, I said "enough is enough"

Granted, I run non-combat dice rolls a bit backwards,
For example, if the posse is searching for a clue I need
them to find, they all roll search.  Low rolls will turn up
"directional" clues.  Higher rolls will get the what they
are looking for.  Really high rolls will get them things
they didn't even think to be looking for.

Persuasion is similar.  If a player says, "I persuade him"
chunk-achunka-"nine!" They usually need a fairly high roll.
 If they at least put forth some effort to RPing the
encounter, they need a medium roll.  If they put forth an
extraordinary RP effort, they need a lower roll.


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