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Re: [DL] Call for discussion, re: Vulgarity

The Honorable Allan 'Deputy' Seyberth wrote:
>On that note - I've been thinking about asking folks whether the current
>policy toward vulgarity is acceptable?
>The policy is that vulgarity is not welcome, but only repeated and/or
>abusive usage will get you knocked off of the list.
>The point is that we are all (ideally) mature enough to handle it, and it
>smacks of censorship.
>The counter-point is that we are all (ideally) intellegent enough to get
>our point across without the use of vulgarity, and certain usage is frankly
>offensive while serving no useful purpose except for shock value.

	IMHO, the current policy is best.

	We live in a world filled with people who substitute vulgarity for useful,
creative thought, and the Listserve is (currently) a much-needed respite
from it. There *ARE NO* circumstances where vulgarity is necessary (except
for quotations, which are allowable under the current policy).
	"DL Listserve: Blue" would be a major turn-off for a substantial number of
subscribers, both past and future. Consider also subscribers who have not
reached the age of majority, or moreover, their parents. Does the Listserve
(and PEG, by extension) really NEED the potential bad publicity resulting
from filling up the mailboxes of the under-18 set with headers like, "Go
f*ck yourself, Uncle F*cka!"?:) 
	In short, an occasional lapse is fine, but a potty mouth should still earn
you a trip to the principal's office. We are all ladies and gentlemen here,
and it should be expected that what we write here be a reflection of that.  

Deo Vindice,
Christopher McGlothlin, M.Ed.

Additional Developer: *Deadlands: The Weird West* Revised Edition
Co-author of *Tales o' Terror: 1877* & *Back East: The South*
Southern by the Grace of God